Michael D. Ekstrand, Ph.D

Dept. of Information Science
Drexel University
3675 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104


Ph.D (2014)
Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
B.S. (2007)
Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Science, Drexel University
Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Boise State University
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Boise State University
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas State University


External Funding

Selected Publications

Author formatting key: myself, advised student, other student.


A. Raj and M. D. Ekstrand. 2024. Towards Optimizing Ranking in Grid-Layout for Provider-side Fairness. Proc. ECIR ’24 (IR for Good track). DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-56069-9_7. NSF PAR 10497109. Acceptance rate: 35.9%. Cited 1 time. Cited 1 time.


M. D. Ekstrand, B. Carterette, and F. Diaz. 2024. Distributionally-Informed Recommender System Evaluation. TORS 2(1) (March 7th, 2024; online August 4th, 2023). DOI 10.1145/3613455. arXiv:2309.05892 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10461937. Cited 17 times. Cited 10 times.


C. Pinney, A. Raj, A. Hanna, and M. D. Ekstrand. 2023. Much Ado About Gender: Current Practices and Future Recommendations for Appropriate Gender-Aware Information Access. Proc. CHIIR ’23. DOI 10.1145/3576840.3578316. arXiv:2301.04780. NSF PAR 10423693. Acceptance rate: 39.4%. Cited 24 times. Cited 13 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, A. Das, R. Burke, and F. Diaz. 2022. Fairness in Information Access Systems. FnT IR 16(1–2) (July 11th, 2022). DOI 10.1561/1500000079. arXiv:2105.05779 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10347630. Impact factor: 8. Cited 200 times. Cited 88 times.


A. Raj and M. D. Ekstrand. 2022. Measuring Fairness in Ranked Results: An Analytical and Empirical Comparison. Proc. SIGIR ’22. DOI 10.1145/3477495.3532018. NSF PAR 10329880. Acceptance rate: 20%. Cited 67 times. Cited 46 times.


M. D. Ekstrand and D. Kluver. 2021. Exploring Author Gender in Book Rating and Recommendation. UMUAI 31(3) (February 4th, 2021). DOI 10.1007/s11257-020-09284-2. arXiv:1808.07586v2. NSF PAR 10218853. Impact factor: 4.412. Cited 203 times (shared with RecSys18). Cited 110 times (shared with RecSys18).


Ö. Kırnap, F. Diaz, A. J. Biega, M. D. Ekstrand, B. Carterette, and E. Yılmaz. 2021. Estimation of Fair Ranking Metrics with Incomplete Judgments. Proc. TheWebConf 2021. DOI 10.1145/3442381.3450080. arXiv:2108.05152. NSF PAR 10237411. Acceptance rate: 21%. Cited 50 times. Cited 36 times.


F. Diaz, B. Mitra, M. D. Ekstrand, A. J. Biega, and B. Carterette. 2020. Evaluating Stochastic Rankings with Expected Exposure. Proc. CIKM ’20. DOI 10.1145/3340531.3411962. arXiv:2004.13157 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10199451. Acceptance rate: 20%. Nominated for Best Long Paper. Cited 196 times. Cited 173 times.


M. D. Ekstrand. 2020. LensKit for Python: Next-Generation Software for Recommender Systems Experiments. Proc. CIKM ’20 (Resource track). DOI 10.1145/3340531.3412778. arXiv:1809.03125 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10199450. No acceptance rate reported. Cited 105 times. Cited 74 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, K. L. Wright, and M. S. Pera. 2020. Enhancing Classroom Instruction with Online News. AJIM 72(5) (November 17th, 2020; online June 14th, 2020). DOI 10.1108/AJIM-11-2019-0309. Impact factor: 1.903. Cited 19 times. Cited 12 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, M. Tian, I. Madrazo Azpiazu, J. D. Ekstrand, O. Anuyah, D. McNeill, and M. S. Pera. 2018. All The Cool Kids, How Do They Fit In?: Popularity and Demographic Biases in Recommender Evaluation and Effectiveness. Proc. FAT* 2018. Acceptance rate: 24%. Cited 304 times. Cited 216 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, R. Joshaghani, and H. Mehrpouyan. 2018. Privacy for All: Ensuring Fair and Equitable Privacy Protections. Proc. FAT* 2018. Acceptance rate: 24%. Cited 104 times. Cited 78 times.


M. D. Ekstrand and M. C. Willemsen. 2016. Behaviorism is Not Enough: Better Recommendations through Listening to Users. Proc. RecSys ’16 (Past, Present, and Future track). DOI 10.1145/2959100.2959179. Acceptance rate: 36%. Cited 146 times. Cited 96 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, D. Kluver, F. M. Harper, and J. A. Konstan. 2015. Letting Users Choose Recommender Algorithms: An Experimental Study. Proc. RecSys ’15. DOI 10.1145/2792838.2800195. Acceptance rate: 21%. Cited 137 times. Cited 100 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, F. M. Harper, M. C. Willemsen, and J. A. Konstan. 2014. User Perception of Differences in Recommender Algorithms. Proc. RecSys ’14. DOI 10.1145/2645710.2645737. Acceptance rate: 23%. Cited 291 times. Cited 188 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, M. Ludwig, J. A. Konstan, and J. T. Riedl. 2011. Rethinking The Recommender Research Ecosystem: Reproducibility, Openness, and LensKit. Proc. RecSys ’11. DOI 10.1145/2043932.2043958. Acceptance rate: 27% (20% for oral presentation, which this received). Cited 255 times. Cited 196 times.


M. D. Ekstrand, J. T. Riedl, and J. A. Konstan. 2011. Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems. FnT HCI 4(2) (February 1st, 2011). DOI 10.1561/1100000009. Cited 1745 times. Cited 667 times.

Professional Service & Memberships

  • Senior Member, Association for Computing Machinery
  • Associate editor, ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems
  • Editorial board, Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval
  • Co-organizer, TREC 2019–2021 Track on Fairness in Information Retrieval
  • ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Program Co-chair 2022, General Co-chair 2018, Steering Committee & SPC member)
  • Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) (Executive Committee 2020–2023, Steering Committee 2017–2023, Network Co-chair, PC 2017–present)
  • Organizer, FATREC Workshop on Responsible Recommendation at RecSys 2017/2018/2020
  • AC for SIGIR, FAccT; SPC for RecSys; numerous other reviews