Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A few years ago, I posted annual reviews of what I did in the year; thought that this year I might bring that tradition back.

This year has been a year of some major achievements and changes. I earned tenure, published a major piece of integrative scholarship that I’ve been working on for a few years, and one of my Ph.D students successfully defended her proposal.

I’m also working on figuring out what the next phase of structure and operation looks like for my research lab, since Sole Pera moved to Delft. I’m thrilled she got this new position! It’s been a very good 6 years building the PIReTs and having other academic adventures with her, and we continue to work together remotely on various things. For now, she’s been continuing to meet with the research group while some of the current students finish and we figure out what the long-term future of the PIReT ship will be.

So here’s the list (possibly incomplete):


  • Spring — CS 230 (Ethics)
  • Fall — CS 533 (Intro to Data Science)

Active Grants



Christine Pinney, Amifa Raj, Alex Hanna, and Michael D. Ekstrand. 2023. Much Ado About Gender: Current Practices and Future Recommendations for Appropriate Gender-Aware Information Access. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR ’23), Mar 19, 2023. pp. 269–279. DOI 10.1145/3576840.3578316. arXiv:2301.04780. NSF PAR 10423693. Acceptance rate: 39.4%. Cited 23 times. Cited 12 times.


Michael D. Ekstrand and Maria Soledad Pera. 2022. Matching Consumer Fairness Objectives & Strategies for RecSys. Presented at the 5th FAccTrec Workshop on Responsible Recommendation at RecSys 2022 (peer-reviewed but not archived). arXiv:2209.02662 [cs.IR]. Cited 6 times. Cited 4 times.


Jonathan Stray, Alon Halevy, Parisa Assar, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Chloe Bakalar, Craig Boutilier, Amar Ashar, Lex Beattie, Michael Ekstrand, Claire Leibowicz, Connie Moon Sehat, Sara Johansen, Lianne Kerlin, David Vickrey, Spandana Singh, Sanne Vrijenhoek, Amy Zhang, McKane Andrus, Natali Helberger, Polina Proutskova, Tanushree Mitra, and Nina Vasan. 2024. Building Human Values into Recommender Systems: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis. Transactions on Recommender Systems 2(3) (June 5th, 2024; online November 12th, 2023), 20:1–57. DOI 10.1145/3632297. arXiv:2207.10192 [cs.IR]. Cited 71 times. Cited 47 times.


Amifa Raj and Michael D. Ekstrand. 2022. Fire Dragon and Unicorn Princess: Gender Stereotypes and Children’s Products in Search Engine Responses. In SIGIR eCom ’22, Jul 15, 2022. 9 pp.  DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2206.13747. arXiv:2206.13747 [cs.IR]. Cited 11 times. Cited 5 times.


Michael D. Ekstrand, Anubrata Das, Robin Burke, and Fernando Diaz. 2022. Fairness in Information Access Systems. Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval 16(1–2) (July 11th, 2022), 1–177. DOI 10.1561/1500000079. arXiv:2105.05779 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10347630. Impact factor: 8. Cited 196 times. Cited 85 times.


Amifa Raj and Michael D. Ekstrand. 2022. Measuring Fairness in Ranked Results: An Analytical and Empirical Comparison. In Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’22), Jul 11, 2022. pp. 726–736. DOI 10.1145/3477495.3532018. NSF PAR 10329880. Acceptance rate: 20%. Cited 67 times. Cited 46 times.


Nasim Sonboli, Robin Burke, Michael Ekstrand, and Rishabh Mehrotra. 2022. The Multisided Complexity of Fairness in Recommender Systems. AI Magazine 43(2) (June 23rd, 2022), 164–176. DOI 10.1002/aaai.12054. NSF PAR 10334796. Cited 36 times. Cited 19 times.


Michael D. Ekstrand, Anubrata Das, Robin Burke, and Fernando Diaz. 2022. Fairness in Recommender Systems. In Recommender Systems Handbook (3rd edition). Francesco Ricci, Lior Roach, and Bracha Shapira, eds. Springer-Verlagpp. 679–707. DOI 10.1007/978-1-0716-2197-4_18. ISBN 978-1-0716-2196-7. Cited 35 times. Cited 21 times.


Michael D. Ekstrand, Graham McDonald, Amifa Raj, and Isaac Johnson. 2022. Overview of the TREC 2021 Fair Ranking Track. Meeting summary in The Thirtieth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2021) Proceedings (TREC 2021), Mar 1, 2022. https://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec30/papers/Overview-F.pdf